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Writer's pictureCharley Sabatino

Happy New Year Talk

Today on this New Years Resolution edition of @yamahamusicusa #silentbass and @laklandbasses Friday, we will delve a little deeper on the purpose of practice. So, why do we practice? Answer: to get better. Ok, yes..but there is more. One reason we practice is to get ready for gigs/jams/etc.That never changes.There are always tunes to learn. But here we are talking about fundamental practice.  That is, things we work on to improve our overall playing and musicianship. Many of these subjects have been covered at length in previous talks.What I want to cover here is more intent...the purpose of this practice...the fact that u have to look BEYOND your current playing situation or genre of choice to sometimes move forward.You never know what opportunities lie ahead and you need to be prepared for them.It may seem intimidating, but I have experienced benefit in this thought process in my own playing and with countless students. Ok, as You need to first plan out your practice to include immediate and eventual skills. Immediate skills are obviously those that will help you now and, for the most part, are self evident. For the eventual skills, think of things that may be "out of your wheelhouse". Concepts that you never thought to study, or maybe scared you a little. As I have said countless times..the more you know, the more you bring to the table. Condition yourself to think beyond. Can't read? Can't solo? Can't slap? Never tried fretless or upright?Never composed a tune? Choose any of these, ones u can think of or all of the above.Find a teacher, get help from a colleague, books, tutorials, etc..whatever it takes. As you begin study, you will undoubtedly find these areas are within your reach to some extent.Try to always look will be surprised how u will progress...and the benefits can be seen in ur current playing as well as any future opportunities.The key is to ideally be prepared for any situation. Yes, it's a lofty goal. But, IMO, it is what keeps us motivated to improve. As always, I invite your insights.#yamahamusicusa #makewaves #pirastro #glasserny #laklandbasses #sitstrings #tsunamicables #philjonesbass

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