Today on a post-NAMM @yamahamusicusa #silentbass and @laklandbasses Friday, we talk "community". We as musicians need to identify as a group of supportive individuals. We must understand that, unless there is $$$ involved (e.g. an audition), there is no competition. This year, @DaveWeckl was one of the performers at the Yamaha stage. When he was introduced, the MC stated that he was named among the top 25 drummers of all time. He came in, sat down and immediately played off the title..he said (paraphrasing), "I don't care about that isn't a sporting event...". Spot on IMO. We need to understand that we are ALL (even the "godz") students of the art and should strive to help each each other. See a player having trouble with something?...(gear, playing, networking, etc.)..point them in the direction where they can get help, or help them yourself. At a jam session? Do ur best to keep vibing at a welcoming and helpful...especially to the young and inexperienced...they are our future. Invite all levels and genres to ur "circle". No art is better than another..all have something to contribute. Listen to and BUY each others music! Attend shows! Buy merch..if financially possible. Show ur support for each other. We are all trying our best...and we need to know how we're doing! These groups can be formal or informal...specific or general...but all should be friendly and supportive. Two notable examples are @decayanddecadence and @bassupfront. Both groups that are very welcoming and supportive...we need more of these. The bottom line is the more we support each other, the more we all grow and evolve. As always, I invite your insights. #yamahamusicusa #makewaves #pirastro #glasserny #laklandbasses #sitstrings #tsunamicables #philjonesbass #basslessons #remotelessons