Today on Yamaha Music USA #silentbass and Lakland Basses Friday, we continue our discussion on improvisation. This week, we talk roles...when we play, we can assume two roles in the music....the Supportive Role and the Melodic Role. Both are vital to the music and help give it interest and movement. Now, IRL, the boundaries of these two roles can be less defined and a player can shift between them frequently during a performance. But for the sake of study, it makes sense to look at them separately, at least at the beginning. We, as bass players, understand the supportive role. It is what we do most often. The supportive role helps define the harmony, strengthen the rhythm (i.e.Groove) and set the form of the tune. It is vital for those in the supportive role to "do their job". Of course, that previous statement can vary in meaning depending on the playing situation, genre, composer or MD. Now, the melodic role. Throughout my years of teaching, this has been a difficult concept to teach traditional rhythm section players.(i.e. bass players!). Mainly because it is not in the traditional "wheelhouse" of bass pedagogy. Even if you never solo...knowledge of the "other side" makes you more sensitive to their needs, hence improving your playing. the supportive role works with and/or against the harmony...using extensions, alterations, substitutions...adding color and interest. It works with and against the rhythm...adding interest, movement, dynamics, articulation and tension. The supportive role can blur the form of the song, breaking the cadence and predictability. Finally, this role can do any or all of the above to any extent at any time! It is a lot to think about. And takes a lot of work to get your head around...but IMO, it makes you a better EITHER role. As I have said before...the more you know, the more you can bring to the table artistically. Next week, we continue. As always, I invite your insights. #yamahamusicusa #makewaves #pirastro #glasserny #laklandbass #sitstrings #tsunamicables #philjonesbass #basslessons #remotelessons
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